Cyber Security
Phishing Simulation
"Prepare, Prevent, Protect"
Enhance your Employee Cybersecurity training with a real-world Phishing Simulation exercise.
Set up and launch phishing simulation campaigns for your organization.
Use a familiar web-based application.
Track user activities and behaviors such as opened emails, clicked links and provided credentials.
Easily access the organizational dashboard.
Oversee and design multiple campaigns.
Conduct awareness training.
"Unified cloud-based security management and monitoring”
A comprehensive cloud-hosted platform for unified log management, correlation, and security monitoring.
A robust security monitoring platform tailored to your organization's needs.
Built-in features for threat detection and response.
Monitor and block connections from blacklisted IPs.
Track and prevent unauthorized application launches.
Identify and stop malicious program downloads.
Stay alert for privilege escalation attempts.
Monitor file integrity to prevent tampering.
Integrate with VirusTotal for comprehensive threat intelligence.
Connect seamlessly with IDS/IPS systems for enhanced protection.
Assess compliance benchmarks to ensure security standards are met.
Correlate security alerts for swift response.
Customize and scale the platform to fit your organization's requirements.